Wrath of the Khans Rules and outline.
Ok, here's the rules and outline of the tourney. For those of you who played in the first SNF you'll find them familiar. I've liberally stolen stuff from Paul Hannah's '
Skulls of Tamerlane'* tourney from last year and from the tweaks Neldoreth has done to the system.
"Thanks guys for your hard work!"
The Basics
1. All games are played on 2x2 boards with armies based on 40mm frontages (that is 15mm standard).
2. All armies must have the following keyword in their title; 'Japanese', 'Chinese', 'Korean' and 'Mongol'.
May be a legitimate, listed enemy of one of those armies.
Players are reminded this is an Asian themed tourney and as such should adhere to the spirit of the tourney and bring an Asian army. As this is an inclusive, easy going game, nobody will be turned away providing their army meets either criteria.
Armies with options are NOT allowed to change between games. That would most certainly tone down the terror of rule 5, wouldn't it?
3. The moderator is Shogun of both Time and Space. Both he and those he appoints as loyal Rules-Samurai will have final say in rules questions. Kvetching is very dishonourable.
4. Rules used will be DBA 2.2 in all cases except as listed below.
5. All games will be played on pre-determined terrain. There will be 8 distinct maps, all representative of decisive or interesting battle of Asian history. These maps attempt to reflect a variety of terrain and climates.
Players will dice using their armies aggression ratings to determine defender/aggressor.
Players will choose the terrain assignment blindly and randomly before each match.
6. Winners of each match are determined by the rules. Scoring for the tourney will be tracked in Bushido Points (BP's) and be scored as follows:
Killing the Enemy** General: 3BPs
Sacking Enemy Camp or BUA: 2BPs
Winning the match: 1BP
Enemy Element Killed by General:1BP***
All are cumulative.
7. Winner with the highest BP score will be awarded the +5 Katana of Mightiness.
The player with lowest BPs gets the Wakizashi of Atonement.
That covers most of it. I'm always interested in feedback and ideas to make this fun and outrageous tourney.
*In which my hapless Cilician Armenians were chewed up quite thoroughly.
**Do I really need to put 'enemy' in this list? Perhaps , yes I do.
***That is- in direct front edge to front edge contact. Not supporting, not overlapping or buttocksing.
I suppose shooting counts. If you are brave enough to enter with a Bw General, you deserve all the kudos you can get.